Friday, June 29, 2012 the EMR create more jobs?  Read this article....
Dephillips III, H. A. (2007). Initiatives and Barriers to Adopting Health Information Technology.

 Disease Management & Health Outcomes, 15(1), 1-6.
The article gives an overview of EHR. "Among other things, it is believed that the EHR can help redice medical errors, improve health care quality and streamline operational efficiencies."  It is an interesting read.  article

 The requirement that each patient should have access to their health record in an electronic format is mandated to be in effect by the year 2014.  Should it matter if you have your record in paper or electronic format?  For international patients I bet I matters and for patients traveling across the USA to receive quality health care it matters. 

With the high cost of flying and each and every airline has some type of charge on luggage, it is critical that this information is in a format that it can be easily transported.  It is too costly and bulky to transport paper record.  I know the federal mandate is more about reducing the cost of health care, accessibility of information and quality outcome for but one major benefit to patients traveling is the reduction in the cost of lugging around their information.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Some medical records department are here now....

This is our future

Diana Research on the Electronic Health Record (EHR)

I will be blogging on what is the EHR and why it is important.  This is a school project from from of my classes at Cambridge College.  You will also find out some pros and cons to the EHR and I will learn how to blog

The medical record is now mandated to be in an electronic format.  This is due to the passing of the a law on healthcare reform.  This process is a staged in that health care providers are given the opportunity to implement in a piece meal fashion. Meaning full use was a part of the implementation process that paid provider as they achieved certain mile stones.  Some tried and others did not, he deadline is fast approaching. Read more...
This video shows what the average medical record department looks like

The EMR (ElectroniC Medical Record) and the EHR (Electonic Health Record) are they one in the same?  Kind of but not really, the EMR is the that individual record at the providers office.  It is made up of all your encounters (your multiple visits to the doctor or the hospital (see the vidieo)

The EHR is a snap shot or abstract of your visits for all providers.  The intent of the EHR is to improve outcome.